分卷阅读72 (第1/2页)
estless world like this is love is ended before it's begun……”磁性低沉的嗓音伴随着浴室迷蒙的烟雾,穆子凯忽然一阵感动,鼻子微酸,泪水盈在眼眶。对方虽然一脸不情愿,但是继续哄着自己哼唱那柔和的旋律,专心护着自己为自己清洗。这辈子,有这么一刻已经足够。 洗完澡,光溜溜地穆子凯钻进被子里,拉住正要出去的文森特:“我也给你唱首歌吧。” 文森特坐在床边帮他把掉下来的被子拉上,然后搂着他,让他靠进自己怀里。准备就绪,穆子凯开起了自己的个人演唱会。 文森特很是后悔自己刚刚为什么不走,爱人确定自己是在唱歌,不是在诱惑自己?这……这声音也太和谐了。 此时趴在门外偷听多时的Darky老爹终于满意地点头,微笑下楼。 附注: 英文beauty除了是美女之外也可以译作美景。 文森特所唱的歌是。 歌词: When I fall in love it will be forever Or I'll never fall in love In a restless world like this is love is ended before it's begun And too many moonlight kisses seem to cool in the warmth of the sun When I give my heart it will be pletely Or I'll never give my heart And the moment I feel that you feel that way too Is when I fall in love with you. In a restless world like this is Love is ended before it's begun And too many moonlight kisses Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun When I give my heart it will be pletely Or I'll never give my heart And the moment I feel that you feel that way too Is when I fall in love with you 第五十七章 难言之隐 第二日,文森特精神不济,英俊的脸上难得地一派颓废,还隐隐约约挂着两个黑眼圈;而穆子凯呢,精神虽然不错,可是嘴里不断喊着:“好疼,好疼。” 老Darky意味深长地笑着:“年轻人有精力是好的,但是也不要过度,控制一下嘛。VI