古惑仔反派 x 暴躁害羞女拳王双强双生 纯爱战神主角:乌鸦/陈天雄,龙羽主配:雷耀扬,霍绮珊,龙睿,甘子泰,东星洪兴社#自说自话出个国语对白无障碍版,虽然粤语读起来比较有感觉#只注释一些专有名词或背景东星下山虎乌鸦陈天雄的爱情故事之「北斗神拳」刚硬坚毅的龙羽,混迹三合会为友报仇,被乌鸦胁迫成为打仔横扫黑市地级拳坛,蛮横凶悍又反差羞涩,只渴望成为简单的普通人一场与黑道剪不断的命运纠缠,越陷越深,越深越爱拥有共通性的野兽彼此吸引江湖相爱,武士重合面对稠密的硝烟哪怕枪林弹雨,烈焰焚天皎月星光终将告诉两人今夜身处何方The full moon is callingThe fever is highAnd the wicked wind whispers and moansYou got your demonsYou got desiresWell I got a few of my ownSomeone to be kind to in between the dark and the lightLoneliness will blind you in between the wrong and the right《One of These Nights》Eagles
【微信公众号:塞弗 。】 最新章节推荐地址:http://m.zhanglindong.com/xiaoshuo/50040/44659.html