分卷阅读15 (第2/2页)
队长,我也来。” “你还是这么死心眼!”队长拍拍他的肩膀,“既然你是赢家,这拍酒瓶子的玩法就你来规定,大家服不服?” “服!”大家异口同声。 乔姝怀疑自己的耳朵是不是出了毛病,酒瓶子拍脑袋瓜子还有什么玩法? “那我们就两人一组猜拳,猜赢的那个人用酒瓶底拍,输的那个用酒瓶把拍!”杨城依旧笑吟吟。不过第一组就是他跟队长,结果队长输了,两个人都没有犹豫,杨城拿着酒瓶把,队长拿着酒瓶底,一起拍向自己脑袋瓜子! 乔姝吓得闭上眼睛,只听“砰”的一声,再睁开眼,还好是酒瓶子碎了...... 刚拍了这两个人,外面的服务员又冲进来了,估计也没有见过这种场面,直接吓傻在那里。乔姝悄悄走过去,把服务员喊出去,直接结账去了。 再回来时,已经轮个拍完了,地上全是酒瓶玻璃渣子,倒是没有一个人脑袋上流血,而且每一个人都是兴高采烈的样子。 看见乔姝进来,叶崇志提议说:“不如一起去唱歌。”众人起兴,说去就去。 到了KTV,乔姝本以为他们会唱军哥什么的,接过一个比一个柔情。乔姝简直不敢相信这是一帮在军队的爷们唱的歌,叶崇志也唱了一首歌,是一首英文歌: i was her she was me we were one we were free and if there\'s somebody calling me on she\'s the one we were young we were wrong we were fine all along if there\'s somebody calling me on she\'s the one when you get to where you wanna go and you know the things you wanna know you\'re smiling when you said what you wanna say and you know the wayyou y you\'ll be so high you\'ll be flying though the sea will be strong i know we\'ll carry on cos if there\'s somebody calling me on she\'s the one when you get to where you wanna go and you know the things you wanna know you\'re smiling when you said what you wanna say and you know the way